Friday 8 January 2010

Guitar Hero Annoyances

Guitar Hero (III) is a fun game but it’s also getting on my nerves. The first thing is that it doesn’t support case sensitive file systems. Well, no big deal I thought. I just make a disk image and mount it an install the game there or so I thought. The game installer doesn’t allow you to do that. No big deal I thougt. I’ll install it on the main disk in the Applications folder where it want to place it but where it won’t work since the file system is case sensitive - no warning during installation process.

When the installation was done I tried to start just to see how well or bad it would work, maybe just some minor function would not work, well the whole game crashed immediately. Back to the plan of moving the game to the non case sensitive disk image. This time it started up as supposed. Time for some imaginary rock. School’s Out here I come :-)

After a little playing I realise that the game doesn’t save my progress, not even after several restarts of the game, not even after completing a whole career and beaten the devil himself in guitar battle (maybe he’s pissed off and jinxed my game?), not even when I went to the menu and saved manually several times.

After some googleing  I found out that some Windows user had found out that if they didn’t install the game exactly where the game wanted on C: the saving was fucked up, not done in the wrong place or fucked up with a warning. Just fucked up but happily telling you ‘’saving’’ and then ‘’overwrite successful’’ (and that noone involved in the game seemed to care about this bug). I guess it’s a similar thing that has happened to me since I also have the game in another place (my game doesn’t give any warnings neither, according to in-game messages everything’s OK and the saving is successful).

Now I thought I came up with something smart, I ~/Library/ where many MOSX programs store data there was a Guitar Hero folder and I guess this corresponded to the folder in My Documents that the Windows users had problems with so I thought that maybe something with the case sensitive file system crashed the saving process so I made an alias (MOSX linking system) from this folder to a folder on the non case sensitive file system disk image. Didn’t work so now I will try with a Unix link instead since some programs need these instead of the links that Finder uses. If that doesn’t work I guess I have to figure out what realive path the program maybe use, that wouldn’t work when I move the game, and try to fake it for the game.

I also looked in the preference file for the game but no clues there. Also it seems like the online features doesn’t work for Windows and MOSX since you need a Guitar Hero account AND a console specific account and link these and there doesn’t seem to be any of these for neither operating system, just for the Playstation, Wii and Xbox.


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